Notes on the River 4.18.20
This has been a strange time for all of us. With the focus of the world on staying safe and dealing with Covid-19, the start of the 2020 fishing season has been subdued to say the least.
Life on the river has been quiet. The low temperatures of March have had a lasting impact on the water, with cold creeks feeding wider rivers. The fish have been relatively dormant during the early part of April, with two notable Caddis hatches spotted on the Willow and Beaverkill. The rivers have largely been devoid of fly fishers, with one or two solo locals here and there braving the cooler temps.
This has also led to some lovely early Spring evenings, where the water has never looked so enticing. After a torrential downpour last weekend, the rivers rose several feet and the Willowemoc threatened to burst its banks in Livingston Manor. An overnight snowfall returned our rivers to Winter, but we fully expect the fish to liven up in the next two weeks as Spring starts to take hold.
Written by Peter Crosby