Roman Moser

Our first living international Hall of Fame inductee. Roman started his fly fishing career as a fly tyer in his native Austria at age 15. After receiving his Masters Degree in Natural Sciences, he taught at the Business Academy in Gmunden and supplemented his income as a fly fishing and casting instructor with Hans Gebetsroither (a good friend of Charles Ritz and Lee Wulff). Roman’s expertise continued and soon introduced both Western and Eastern Europe to fly fishing techniques to catch local species of coarse fish including carp, walleye, and pike. He proved to the world that by adding a gold bead to his nymphs and those proven patterns of others, fly fishers would catch more fish. This new innovation also created a new dimension to fly patterns and a controversy among fly fishers worldwide, lure or fly? Today beadhead patterns are highly regarded and recognized as one of the greatest improvements to flies of the past century. To improve and rebuild the rivers of Eastern Europe, Roman introduced the Whitlock Vibert boxes with great success. Today Roman continues to bridge the world fly fishing community with fly fishing products, techniques and healthy environmental programs.